bloom: /blo͞om/
The beautiful process of becoming.
The beautiful process of becoming.

"One's destination is never a place,
but a new way of seeing thing."
-Henry Miller
but a new way of seeing thing."
-Henry Miller

Inspiration Image
Unknown Artist

Delivered Artwork
By A. Kenani Brandon
10 things to consider when creating commissioned art:
1. Have clarity on the purpose and expectations of the artwork.
2. Decide what the most important elements are and where there is latitude for creativity.
3. Involve your client in the process.
4. Create a collection.
5. Deliver more than expected.
6. Stay true to your personal style.
7. Recreating is different than duplicating.
8. Challenge yourself, this is the perfect opportunity to learn and grow.
9. Share your experience, evolve people who are excited about the project.
Get feedback and problem solve with people you admire and can learn from.
It is good to ask for opinions if only to see things from another prospective,
what you do with their opinions is up to you as the artist.
Get feedback and problem solve with people you admire and can learn from.
It is good to ask for opinions if only to see things from another prospective,
what you do with their opinions is up to you as the artist.
10. Remember YOU are the artist and, ultimately, YOU were hired as the visionary.